

(Code: 9109-620A)
(3 Item(s) In Stock)
Kit pump cover LUCAS / DELPHI 9109-620A including all necessary parts for the repair of a leak by the throttle shaft of the pump.
The composition of the kit is different depending on the pump's check numbers in the assignment menu covers / pump.
88.00 €
Kit pump cover LUCAS / DELPHI 9109-620A including all necessary parts for the repair of a leak by the throttle shaft of the pump.The composition of the kit is different depending on the pump numbers in check in the assignment menu covers / pump.

Click on this link to download the catalog for couple cover/pump

The repair is simple and is done on the vehicle, taking care to mark the position of the axis before dismantling.Contains 9100-296A hood
Include cover


free mount method
application by pump :

8443B125B DPC Citroën M 258648
8443B111A DPC Citroën M 251629
8443B123B DPC Citroën M 251648
8443B124B DPC Citroën M 251648
8443B361B DPC PSA CRD 93 LS 2
8443B362B DPC PSA CRD 93 LS 2
8443B363B DPC PSA CRD 93 LS 2
8443B112A DPC PSA M25/629
8443B411A DPC PSA XD3 T
8443B412A DPC PSA XD3 T
8443B413A DPC PSA XD3 T
8443B193C DPC RenauIt J8S
8443B402B DPC RenauIt J8S
8443B133B DPC RenauIt J8S
8443B134B DPC RenauIt J8S
8443B143B DPC RenauIt J8S
8443B144B DPC RenauIt J8S
8444B460A DPC RenauIt J8S
8443B502C DPC RenauIt J8S (245)
8443B511B DPC  RenauIt J8S (245)
8443B533C DPC Renault F8M (720)
8443B372A  DPC Renault F8M (730)
8443B376C DPC Renault F8M (730)
8443B377C DPC Renault F8M (730)
8443B375B DPC Renault F8M (730)
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